What is Active Support? Scout Active Support allows people to give their time to Scouting on a flexible basis. People can still be involved in Scouting without the full-time commitment of being a leader.
Non Training Positions
Group Manager – to work closely with the Group Scout Leader/Scouter in Charge in the administration of the Group, attending district meetings on behalf of the Group.
Chairperson – to chair the Parents Committee meetings; to coordinate and be responsible for the organisation of the Groups fund raising activities.
Secretary – to work closely with the Chairperson, to keep records of the Parents Committee meetings and any Extraordinary meetings; to keep records and to write any letters required by the Chairperson and/or Committee.
Treasurer – to advise the Parents Committee and Group Scouters on financial control of expenditure; to collect Members Subscriptions (Via the Section Leaders); to receive and pay out all monies on behalf of the Group and to keep the necessary accounts; to ensure that all money passing in and out of the Group is properly accounted for; to supervise administration of and proper insurance for all Group property.
Committee Members – to attend the Parents Committee meetings; to accept corporate responsibility for identification of fund-raising opportunities, for maintenance of the Group property and administration of the Group finances.
General Helper – (All or any of) to assist in collecting goods for sale at fund-raising events; to assist in preparing fund-raising events; to assist in fund-raising events.
Quarter Master – to maintain, all the equipment owned and used by the group for Scouting Activities; to identify replacement equipment and make recommendations to the Group when replacement equipment is needed.
For further information or if you would like to offer assistance, please use the contact form and select the required section.